
Aug 31, 2018

Completion Of Subscription Of Shares In JustGroup Holdings Pte. Ltd. And JustCo Holdings Pte. Ltd.

Announcement Title Asset Acquisitions and Disposals
Date & Time of Broadcast Aug 31, 2018 22:57
Status New
Announcement Sub Title Completion of Subscription of Shares in JustGroup Holdings and JustCo Holdings
Announcement Reference SG180831OTHRKER7
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Catherine Yeo
Designation Company Secretary
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) Please see attached an announcement on the completion of (i) subscription of shares in JustGroup Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("JustGroup Holdings") and (ii) subscription of shares in JustCo Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("JustCo Holdings"), a joint venture with a wholly owned subsidiary of GIC Private Limited and JustGroup Holdings.
Attachment 1

31 Aug 2018 | PDF 134,468 kb

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